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Dra. M. Belen Natalini (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Wild canids as sentinels of ecosystem health: dynamics of infectious diseases in Northern Argentina

Ph. D. Advisor/Committee

Lic. Flor Quijano (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Role of hormones in social relationships and social status of black and gold howler monkeys

Lic. Rodrigo Bay-Joulia (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Black and gold howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) as sentinels of arboviral infections of importance for public health in a peri-urban natural area

Lic. Lucila Citon (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Surveillance of potentially zoonotic pathogens in black and gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) in urban settlements in Northern Argentina

Lic. Debora Gilles (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Effects of habitat degradation on social interactions and sexual dispersal in Alouatta caraya females

Lic. Gimena Illia (EBCo-CECOAL-CONICET)

Project:  Effects of landscape modification on ecosystem health: the role of the caí monkey (Sapajus nigritus) in the transmission of infectious diseases in remnants of the Argentine Atlantic Forest

Undegraduate Advisor (with thesis)

Alumni Grad Students

Lic Maria Sol Gennuso (EBCo-MACN-CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Nordeste)

Project: Behavioral and physiological trajectories in juvenile black and gold howler monkeys

Martin Kowalewski / Claudia Valeggia

Lic Candelaria Sanchez Fernandez (UNAM-CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Project: Characterization of genetic markers of immune system in non-human primates (Platyrrhini) of Argentina

Martin Kowalewski/Ines Badano 

Dr. Vanina A. Fernandez 

Postodoctoral fellow (CONICET) 

Grupo de Genética y Ecología en Conservación y Biodiversidad (GECoBi)

Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN), CABA, Argentina

Dr. Romina E. Pave 

Researcher (CONICET)  

Instituto Nacional de Limnologia (INALI)-CONICET

Santa Fe, Argentina

Alumni - Undergrad students

Lic. Silvana Peker

Grupo de Trabajo sobre Conservación de la Biodiversidad-CONADIBIO

Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nacion

Jefatura de Gabiente de Ministros

Rep. Argentina

Lic. Nelson Novo

Unidad de Investigación Geología y Paleontología

Centro Nacional Patagonico (CENPAT-CONICET)

Lic. Mariela Martinez

Instituto de Medicina Tropical

Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion



Dario M Fergnani

Grupo de Genética y Ecología en Conservación y Biodiversidad (GECoBi) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (MACN-CONICET)

Rumesilda Eliana Alegre (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste)

Project: Gastrointestinal parasites in juvenile black and gold howler monkeys

Martin Kowalewski/Alicia Maria  Milano (UNNE)

Julieta Fernadez (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste)

Project: Phisiological stress in wild canids inhabiting wild-domestoc interphase zones

Martin Kowalewski

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